Hey Young World: Educating Young People & Communities On The Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination

Once the majority of the population is vaccinated (70%), we will reach herd immunity, be well on our way to containing the deadly spread of the Coronavirus, and finally getting back to all that we’ve missed. But as of early June, only 42% of eligible Fulton County residents had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and only 26.1% of those residents were Black.

And as the state re-opens, the % of cases amongst Black young people, ages 15 – 29, are on the rise while vaccination rates are among the lowest – putting their vulnerable communities at greater risk. Getting to herd immunity will take community-based approaches including nuanced messaging and educational outreach from trusted community leaders.

Youth-Focused organizations can play a critical role in helping young people and their communities understand the role of vaccines, relative safety and effectiveness, and the importance of reaching herd immunity in preparation for Back-2-School.

Hey Young World & Alive & In Color will bring together representatives from Fulton County Government, medical experts, and youth educators, advocates, and influencers, to share solutions for empowering young people and their communities to make informed decisions around COVID-19 vaccination.

Panel Topics Include:
– The COVID Equity Gap in Fulton County
– How Fear & Misinformation Block The Road To Recovery
– Reasonable Doubts: Addressing A Legacy of Mistrust & The Infodemic
– The Role of Youth-Focused Organizations in Creating COVID-Free Communities


Empowering parents, caregivers, and Trusted Messengers! The Best Start for Baby + Mom campaign provides essential information on well baby visits and immunizations for expecting mothers and young children, emphasizing that a healthy start for babies also means a healthy mom.

Visit our landing page today for bilingual resources, answers to FAQs about maternal and pediatric vaccines, an immunization locator, and everything you need to support maternal and infant health.