“Long COVID and its Effects on Our Communities” was a town hall styled event held on October 25, 2022. Hosted by Alive & In Color in partnership with HealthWorks, Georgia Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 and the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia. The Fellowship Missionary Baptist Convention of GA gathered medical experts to discuss Long Covid and its effects on our communities. Panelist shared some real talk about how the Word (our religion) and the words (misinformation) continue to affect us as we journey through the third year of the pandemic.
Here, Dr. Renee Haynes, MD,MPH, a Board Certified Family Medicine Physician and Nedra S Fortson, RN, AGPCNP-BC discuss the difference between long COVID symptoms clinically from other respiratory illnesses.
For more information, please visit: https://wecandothis.hhs.gov/